Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions (herein the “Service Contract”)

Version: 24/06/2024

Article 1 – Overview

The lafloret.studio (herein the “Studio”) is based at 102 Av. du Rhin, 67100 Strasbourg and is represented by Ms Flóra Cabassut-Zsemlye with the FR31980158687 Tax ID number.

The Studio operates under the website https://lafloret.studio (herein the “Website”).

The Studio offers photography services catering to private individuals and entrepreneurs & businesses and specializes in maternity, family, newborn and personal branding.

The Studio agrees to the following terms and conditions by using the Website, as well as when reserving, booking or paying for a photography service, including custom services unless expressly specified otherwise therein.

Article 2 – Packages & Prices

All package services are prepared and handled with the utmost care. The Studio therefore proposes two different packages.

Package 1
Maternity, Family and Newborn
Included in any such session are:
Styling Advice
Session Guidance
High Quality Edited Images
Private Photo Gallery

The minimum duration of this photoshoot package is 45 minutes.

The customers can choose between the following two options:
Package 1 with 15 digital photos: 150€
Package 1 with 30 digital photos: 250€

Package 2
Personal Branding
Included, but not limited, in any such session are:
Styling Advice
Session Guidance
High Quality Edited Images
Private Photo Gallery

The minimum duration of this photoshoot package is 45 minutes.

The pricing for Package 2 starts at 400€ and final pricing shall be tailored according to the Customer’s needs. A final proposal with the details and final pricing shall be prepared by the Studio and provided to the respective customer.

All the herein mentioned prices include VAT. In the event where prices may subsequently change, any services agreed beforehand will retain the price applied when the reservation was made.

Article 3 – Payments

The payments for any service proposed by the Studio are required up-front and shall be made via bank transfer to the bank account provided by the Studio.

Any payment or bank fees herewith associated shall be covered by the Customer.

Article 4 – Booking and Reservation

Once the Customer has made a reservation inquiry through the Website, the photoshoot session will be reserved the moment a suitable date has been mutually agreed on between the Studio and the Customer. Once that has been agreed on, the Customer reservation will be kept for 5 days. The photoshoot session shall be confirmed when the payment has arrived on the Studio’s bank account.

Once the payment has arrived on the Studio’s bank account, the Customer will then receive a reminder email the day before their photoshoot session.

In the case where no payment has been received after 5 days, the Studio reserves the right to cancel the respective reservation.

Any request to modify a service requested by the Customer can only be taken into account if the request is sent via email to the Studio at least 5 days before the scheduled date of the photoshoot session.

Article 5 – Withdrawal and Cancellation Policy

The Customer may cancel the photoshoot session up to 1 working day before the initial session date. Therefore, the Customer shall send a written cancellation notice to the Studio via email. Any request for withdrawal made within this period will result in the payment being refunded, whereby any associated bank transfer fees shall be paid for by the Customer.

In the case of a cancellation of the fully booked photoshoot session due to an unexpected event, the Studio grants a one-time cancellation for free. Please note that this policy applies to all available packages.

For further information, please refer to the Studio’s FAQs.

Article 6 – Customer Obligations

The time set for the photoshoot session is imperative and any delay on the part of the Customer may be deducted from the time previously agreed for the session. In the event where the Customer is more than 15 minutes late, the session shall be canceled and the payment shall not be refunded. In such case, the Studio shall try to reschedule with the Customer for a new session date.

The Customer declares that they are of legal age, that they are free to pose for photographs and, where applicable, that they authorize their children to be photographed in the style they wish.

Article 7 – Post-production and delivery

The Studio shall at all times do its commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Customer with the final edited images for viewing and for downloading via a link within 2 weeks after the initial photoshoot session, depending on the season and workload the Studio may have.

Digital files are delivered in the form of JPEG files. Other files are the property of the Studio and shall not be provided to the Customer.

A delay in delivery or execution cannot be invoked by the Customer to request the cancellation of the Service Contract, claim damages or assert any other claim.

In regards to retouching and post-production on the photos, please refer to the Studio’s FAQs.

The Studio accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to the digital files delivered to the Customer. The Studio reserves the right to delete the Customer’s files at its discretion but no later than 3 months after delivery.

Article 8 – Image and Intellectual Property Rights

The Studio shall provide the Customer all the respective photos free of rights, which means that there will be no logo on the photos and that the Customer can use them as they wish for non-commercial purposes.

The price of the photoshoot session does not include any commercial use of the photos, unless specified otherwise by the Studio. A commercial use by the Customer of the photos shall not be authorized and shall be concluded through a new written agreement between the Studio and the Customer.

The respective photos taken during a session with the Customer shall be protected under the articles L 121-1 and the law of 11 March 1957 (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle et Droits d’Auteur). Even after transfer of the digital files, the respective photos remain the intellectual property of the Studio and are therefore not free of copyright.

Any personal use of a photograph, of whatever kind and for whatever purpose (publication on the internet, exhibition, etc.) shall mention the name of the Studio.

Upon delivery of the photos as per Article 7 herein, the Studio shall seek permission to use the Customer photos for promotional purposes for its own private advertising, in particular on its Website and social media channels.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements, including but not limited to the domain name, code, text, graphics, customer reviews and photos available on the Website, whatever the means or process used, shall be prohibited without the prior written and express consent of the Studio.

Article 9 – Promotional use

The Studio values privacy and makes it its utmost priority. Therefore, the Studio will never post or display customer photos anywhere without their explicit permission. As mentioned in Article 8 herein, the Studio shall seek permission to use the Customer photos for promotional purposes for its own private advertising, in particular on its Website and social media channels.

Article 10 – Warranties

The Studio is a studio specializing in, including but not limited to, birth and children’s photos. The Customer acknowledges that it is not always easy for small children to pose properly or to be 100% attentive. A shooting session should ideally be an opportunity to create spontaneous moments of complicity. In the event that difficult conditions may be present at the time of the shooting session such as lack of light, shooting problems, etc. or the children’s tiredness or nervousness, the Customer shall not challenge the Studio’s work. In the case where a child was not well at the time of a shooting session, thereby preventing to carry it out completely and properly, it shall be possible for the Customer to return for free in order to finish the initial shooting session.

Children present during photoshoot sessions remain the sole responsibility of their parents. In the event of material damage caused by the Customer or the child or any other person present in the studio, the Studio shall be reimbursed in full.

The Studio is not subject to an obligation of result and will do its utmost to provide quality photos, as stipulated in the order. The content of these photos is left to the Studio’s artistic judgment. Consequently, the Customer acknowledges that the photos are not subject to rejection on the basis of the Customer’s taste.

Article 11 – Termination

In the event of breach of this Service Contract by the Studio for whatever reason as well as in the event of a force majeure case caused by the act of God, an illness, accident, death or strike, the Customer shall either have their appointment rescheduled or, where it is impossible, have the already paid payment reimbursed via a bank transfer. The Customer acknowledges and explicitly accepts that there shall be no entitlement to a claim for any compensation whatsoever.

Article 12 – Personal data

The personal information collected is intended exclusively for customer management purposes and, in particular, to monitor bookings with a view to the successful completion of the service ordered.

The Studio undertakes not to communicate this information to third parties for any reason whatsoever, unless in the event where there is a legal obligation.

Article 13 – Jurisdiction

This Service Contract, including any additions or amendments to it, shall be exclusively governed by French law.

In the event of a non-resolved dispute and only after all amicable means of resolution have been exhausted, the parties shall submit their dispute to the jurisdiction of the Strasbourg courts (67).

For further information, please check out the FAQ page.